Publications (1991-Present)
CDMRP Grant (4 year study) -Clinical Investigator/ ACMC Evaluator: Functional use and efficacy of a Contact Detection Reflex for Myoelectric Upper limb Prosthetics.
NIH PIIB: Grant Project Consultant, Development of Biomimetic Tactile Sensor for Prosthetics and preliminary study of the Functional use and efficacy of a Contact Detection Reflex for Myoelectric Upper Limb Prosthetics.
Lower Limb Prosthetics: Chapter 25 in: Mann’s Surgery of the Foot and Ankle, Coughlin MJ, Saltzman CL and Anderson RB Editors, 9th ed. Copyright 2014 Elsevier Publishing, pp1507-1531.
Prosthetic Restoration Following Limb Loss Due to Tumor: Zachar ME, Berke, GM and Spires MC, Chapter 25 in: Prosthetic Restoration and Rehabilitation of the Upper and Lower Extremity, Spires MC, Kelly BM and Davis AJ, 2014 Demos Medical Publishing, LLC, pp 273-282.
Proceedings: Microprocessor Controlled Prosthetic Knees: Official Findings of the State of the Science conference. Editor and Chairman as well as author of: Summary and Conclusions from the State of the Science Conference on Microprocessor Knee Control Mechanism pp P1-P3 and Appendix: Microprocessor Knee Manufacturers Forum Report (with Geil, M) pp P80-P82 Published by: American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists October 2013, number 11
Grasping Fragile Objects Using a Myoelectric Hand Having Compliant Tactile Sensors with Contact Detection: Matulevich, B, Pandit V, Lin C, Loeb GE, Fishel JA, Berke GM, Proceedings: Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists; Feb 2013
Patellofemoral Pain: Is there a role for Orthoses? Powers CM, Berke GM, Clary MD, Fredericson M. PMR 2010; Aug 2(8):771-6
Comparison of Satisfaction with Current Prosthetic Care in Veterans and Service Members from Vietnam and OIF/OEF Conflicts with major Traumatic Limb Loss: Berke GM, Fergason, J et al; J Rehabil Res Dev 2010; 47(4):361-71
Biomechanics of Ambulation following Partial Foot Amputation: A Prosthetic Perspective: Berke GM, Rheinstein J, Michael JW and Stark GE, In: Proceedings, The Biomechanics of Ambulation After Partial Foot Amputation, Official Findings of the State of the Science Conference, Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics, American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists, July 2007, No 8
Lower Limb Prosthetics: Chapter 25 in Surgery of the Foot and Ankle, Mann RA and Coughlin, MJ (eds.). pp1399-1422 Elsevier Science, 2007
TransFemoral Amputation: The Basics and Beyond: PRS publications, Otto Bock Educational Grant. Buell NC, Hafner BJ, Willingham LL, Berke GM, Fergason JR, Smith DG. 2005
Post-Operative Management of the Lower Extremity Amputee: Journal of Proceedings 11th World Congress of the International Society of Prosthetists and Orthotists. Hong Kong, China. July 2004.
Trans-tibial Prosthetics: Chapter in Orthotics and Prosthetics in Rehabilitation, Berke GM, Lusardi MM and Nielsen CW (Eds.) 2nd edition. Elsevier Science pp.679-710, 2007.
AAOP Conference on Major Lower Limb Amputations: Post-Operative Strategies: Berke GM and Smith, DG, Journal of Prosthetics Orthotics (Supplement). JPO, v 16, n 3, pp 1(s)-27(s). July 2004
Ankle Disarticulation and its Variants: Berke GM , Atlas of Amputations and Limb Deficiencies. Surgical, Prosthetic and Rehabilitation Principals, Smith, DG Michael, JM and Bowker JH (Eds), pp 473-79, 3rd Edition, published 2004, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons publishing.
Prostheses, Orthoses Enhance Quality of Life for Cancer Survivors: Beattie, W and Berke GM, Biomechanics, September 2001
Prosthetic Gait: Lusardi, MM, Berke, GM and Psonak, R. Orthopedic Physical Therapy Clinics of North America. October 2000 Vol. 6
Radiographic Comparison of Vertical Tibial Translation Using Two Types of Suspensions on Trans-Tibial Prosthesis: Tanner, JE and Berke, GM. Journal Prosthetics and Orthotics. JPO v. 13 n.1 pp14-16. 2001
Trans-tibial Prosthetics, Chapter in Orthotics and Prosthetics in Rehabilitation, Nielsen CW and Lusardi MM, (Eds.) 1st edition. Pp. 437-67. Published June 2000. Butterworth-Heinemann
Lower Limb Prosthetics: Chapter in Foot and Ankle Disorders, Myerson, MS (eds.) 1st Ed. Published 1999. WB Saunders Co.
Partial Foot Prosthetics: Section in Surgery of the Foot and Ankle, Mann RA and Coughlin, MJ (eds.), published 1999. Mosby.
Mobius Syndrome and Associated Physical Findings: A Case Study. (Abstract) Journal of Proceedings, Association of Children’s Orthotic and Prosthetic Clinics, May 1995
Treatment of Partial Foot Amputation: (Abstract) Journal of Proceedings, American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists, March 1994
Establishing Parameters Affecting the Use of Myoelectric Prostheses in Children: Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics, summer 1991, Volume 3, Number 4.